Call Recording – Do I really need it?

3rd April 2019

Always wanted to utilise call recording but not been able to? Are you worried you’re not GDPR compliant?

How often do you hear … “Our calls are recorded for training and monitoring …….. ” at the start or during calls?

A few years ago, a fully featured call recording solution would set you back quite a lot of money and only organisations who needed the technology for regulatory purposes would invest in this type of solution in order to meet their obligations.  Nowadays, call recording solutions can be relatively inexpensive and can come as part of a package or included in the features of a new system that you may be assessing.

From regulation and complaint handling to customer service improvements, there are always benefits to recording your calls.  the brief article below provides a high level view of the drivers and benefits of an integrated call recording solution.  Please can us on 01204 707146 or email and one of our helpful colleagues will be happy to answer any of your questions.


Why Record your calls?

I suppose really the answer is why would you not have call recording?

There are so many benefits of recording calls. We now live in a society where everything is on a 24 x 7 / 365 basis, so customer service teams need to give the best experience to your customers. Some of the key benefits are:

Training and Monitoring

This allows managers to ensure the interactions agents are having with customers over the telephone meet company standards.  Listening to calls is a great way to identify training needs, potential changes to processes and to reward employees.

Regulation and Compliance

In some industries and for legislative purposes, some organisations are required to record their calls.  Generally, in these instances, there is also the added complexity of PCI DSS compliance.  In regulated industries, call recording is required for managers and the business to ensure that compliance is met particularly where advice is provided on financial products, or in the complaint handling process.

Capture Missed Details

We’ve all been there when we have missed some information from a call or written down a number incorrectly.  Being able to retrieve the associated call recording quickly and easily to obtain these details can sometimes be crucial.

Enhance your product or service

Knowledge is power…. The ability for marketing and product development teams to be able to listen to calls can be beneficial.  They can listen to customer feedback, the tone and emotion conveyed, and use this valuable information to develop improvements to products or services.

Resolve Disputes

Being able to access a call when there are customer disputes can sometimes be a life saver.  When a customer advises one thing and the agent another, the call recording can quickly be listened to and any disputes or complaints can be dealt with quickly.

Sales and Marketing

Accessing the calls to build demographics for your customers can really help.  Why spend your marketing budget targeting the wrong group of people or demographic?  Working smarter can increase sales and revenue long term for your organisation, just by listening to calls.


The Best Customer Experience

We can all recall a bad customer service experience we have received (or even given).  But implementing a call recording solution was not something every organisation could invest in.  From hardware requirements, to feature based systems and storage for the recordings; it was quite an investment.

Nowadays, most cloud platforms have the functionality inbuilt and the cost for setting this up is nominal.  Looking at the benefits that any organisation would receive by having this in place, it is paramount for smaller organisations to utilise the cost saving benefits of a hosted solution.

A large organisation would have the capital and legal teams to fight any potential disputes, meanwhile a dispute could mean a massive issue for a smaller business that isn’t prepared to defend themselves.

Any business should always be looking for new ways to improve their customer service, and the customer experience.  Call recording is one of, if not the best way, to gain a large amount of insight into the customer’s journey, and how agents are preforming.  This gives an overview to management and departments on a number of customer focussed opportunities.


How do I set up Call Recording?

Contact us. There are a number of solutions out there for call recording and dependant on your system, this can limit what you can use. We will ask a few questions and can give you some pointers.

Call us on 01204 707146 or email: and one of our helpful colleagues will be happy to help.
